Thursday, May 22, 2008

Rude Shaking

Experts believe that the world has reached a period of peak oil production, the result of which requires immediate changes in the ways in which we consume energy, and the types and prices we rely on for our standard of living.

After watching the film, what struck me most was not necessarily the need to find other types of resources in order for us tot continue living our ridiculously plush lives, but rather that if this can't be done, perhaps the alternative would be to-dare I say it- change the way we live. That's not to say we won't eventually run out of fossil fuels. It does, however, give a certain kind of hope for the future when you can think that perhaps, in the end, people will be able to smarten up and change themselves, rather than seek simple solutions to very complex socio-economic problems, all revolving around black goopy stuff.

1 comment:

Phineas Gage said...

Dare to say it, Catherine.


Perhaps we do need to consider changing "the way we live."

Nice blogging here - keep it flowing,